Archive for the ‘Mel Kiper’ Category

Mel Kiper, You Are My Hero

Thursday, March 12th, 2009

I officially retract everything negative I've ever said about Mel Kiper Jr. Sure, he may be a blowhard who has a creepy obsession with 18 to 25-year-old men, but I can forgive that. And though his nightly, ESPN-sponsored, cat fights with Todd McShay make me want to gouge my eyes ...

Mel Kiper to the Chicago Bears: Pretty Much Draft Everything

Wednesday, February 11th, 2009

I personally prefer Todd McShay to the ultimate blowhard, Mel Kiper Jr., but when the man speaks I still begrudgingly listen while staring at his hair. Kiper recently weighed in on what the Bears need to draft this year and the answer was pretty simple: All of it. Let's let Mel do ...

Kiper vs. McShay: The Ultimate Death Match

Wednesday, April 16th, 2008

The NFL Draft is coming up next weekend and, though we've had a moment of levity, we're pretty obsessed at the moment. The two main Gods in our heretical-NFL Pantheon are Mel Kiper Jr. and Todd McShay. And since The World-Wide Leader is parading these two around the various arms ...

This Is Why I Hate the NFL Every Day Except Game Day

Wednesday, April 16th, 2008

The operative word yesterday was "unveil." We were all about to have something just wonderful unveiled to us, weren't we? That's what ESPN wanted us to believe.Our friends over at the Leader set aside two hours in the afternoon yesterday for a SportsCenter Special to un-fucking-veil the 2008 National Football ...

2007 NFL Draft Preview: Drama All The Time

Wednesday, April 11th, 2007

With the 2007 NFL draft coming up, we thought we'd take a moment to talk about the drama in drafts past in the hopes that this year's 87-hour broadcast has some interesting things happen too. We're really not that old, so most of this stuff is fairly recent. That said, ...