This Is Why I Hate the NFL Every Day Except Game Day
April 16, 2008 - 12:15 am by TheRiotThe operative word yesterday was “unveil.” We were all about to have something just wonderful unveiled to us, weren’t we? That’s what ESPN wanted us to believe.
Our friends over at the Leader set aside two hours in the afternoon yesterday for a SportsCenter Special to un-fucking-veil the 2008 National Football League schedule. I didn’t watch a single minute of it. I’m sure Trey Wingo raised his voice a lot. Maybe Mark Schlereth added something useful (probably not) or John Clayton reported something meaningful (again, probably not).
What I know is that Chris Mortensen is sure, just absolutely sure, that Colts President Bill Polian spit out his lunch when he saw the schedule. Right. I’m sure.
The best part is Wingo’s first question in that video, “Mort, what’s your take when you see what the Indianapolis Colts are going through here?”
Wait, did someone die? Did Peyton Manning’s right arm fall off? No, it’s just their “tough” schedule. Man, they are going through a lot, Trey. We should all feel bad.
This is why the NFL, the megalith that it is, is only really bearable on days when actual games are being played. The rest of it is just filler. Right now it is April and we’re talking about the schedule before we even know what rosters look like. It’s a bunch of guys speculating and reporting on things that don’t really matter.
All that matters is the 60 minutes on Sunday. Or Monday. And sometimes Thursdays. Oh, and don’t forget about Fridays. Blech.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big football fan. Love watching it. But if I have to see another faux-debate between Todd McShay and Mel Kiper before the draft I’m going to light that puffy hair of Kiper’s on fire. It’s just brutal.
Why, why are we on Mock Draft 7.0? Is it really necessary? Should I really care if Jerod Mayo is going to go in the first or second round? Should I really care if Joe Flacco is the next small-time quarterback to make it?
That, friends, would be no. Wake me up on Sept. 4. That’s the first game.
Thank God they released that schedule today, or I wouldn’t have known that.

One Response to “This Is Why I Hate the NFL Every Day Except Game Day”
You nailed it, bro. I had similar thoughts. The fact that they did it on Jackie Robinson Day was disgusting.
By NFL Adam on Apr 16, 2008