ESPN: Bad At Geography

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011

I'm not sure what geography majors do when they finish college, but obviously they don't end up working at ESPN. Friend of the program and lifelong Minnesotan Bdogmarvelous caught the pictured error on Sports Center yesterday -- a rather shocking imagine of the outline of Minnesota labeled as "Wisconsin" in some ...

TheBaker Tackles The Worst NCAA Bubble In History

Wednesday, March 10th, 2010

First off, I want to start by saying anyone who advocates expanding the NCAA Tournament field from 65 teams to 96 teams is a moron. This isn't little league. We don't all get participation ribbons. And I know there were opponents to the expansion to 64 back when it was introduced, ...

Big Ten Football Preview:

Thursday, August 14th, 2008

I gave in, not sure to whom, but I gave in nonetheless, and previewed the SEC first despite my allegiance to the Big Ten and my beloved Indiana Hoosiers. This year is going to be either a very interesting year for the Big Ten, or totally unwatchable from start to ...