Archive for the ‘Virginia Tech’ Category

TheBaker Tackles The Worst NCAA Bubble In History

Wednesday, March 10th, 2010

First off, I want to start by saying anyone who advocates expanding the NCAA Tournament field from 65 teams to 96 teams is a moron. This isn't little league. We don't all get participation ribbons. And I know there were opponents to the expansion to 64 back when it was introduced, ...

College Football’s Best Kept Secrets

Thursday, September 24th, 2009

Alright, we've heard ad nauseum about Colt McCoy, Tim Tebow, Sam Bradford and Jahvid Best. But what about some of the under-the-radar stars of college football? That's what I'm here for. So I've scoured college football for what I consider the game's hidden gems or players we haven't heard a lot ...

McD’s Bowl Picks Part Five: Rose Bowl and Orange Bowl Edition

Thursday, January 1st, 2009

Updated through Orange Bowl Record: 12-10, 8-14 ATS Thursday, January 1, 2009 11:00am ET Outback Bowl South Carolina (7-5) at Iowa (8-4) (-4) How is it that Ricky Stanzi is the best quarterback in this game? That's got to be the first time all season anyone can say that about Iowa's quarterback. I'm perplexed. What happened ...

McD’s Week 15 Picks: Championship Week

Friday, December 5th, 2008

Happy Championship Week to everyone. Just want to point out Utah, Boise State and TCU are all ranked ahead of the Big East champion (Cincinnati) and whoever the ACC champion will be. But do any of those four teams get to go to BCS games? One: Utah, with an outside shot ...

McD’s Week 14 Picks: Rivalry Week Part 2

Wednesday, November 26th, 2008

It's just plain wrong Boise State and Ball State can go undefeated, win their respective conferences, and not get into the BCS. What makes it ironic is it'll be another undefeated non-BCS team (Utah) that's taking their place. Once again, we've learned exactly what makes the BCS so shitty. Instead of ...

McD’s Week 9 Picks

Friday, October 24th, 2008

Happy weekend, everyone. It's a Rumors and Rants road trip this week, so we'll have to see if people in the south are okay with dorks with computers in their sports bars or not. Should be interesting. Congress created the BCS! Okay, not really. But take a look at these rankings: 1. Georgia 2. ...

McD’s Week 4 Picks

Saturday, September 20th, 2008

Football season is screaming by and I'm already wishing it would slow down. I'm convinced the reason football is so popular in America is because it's violent (duh), and the season goes by really, really fast. There's eight months of off-season and only four months of football per year. No ...

McD’s Week 3 Picks

Friday, September 12th, 2008

Football season is in full-swing in pretty much the entire Western Hemisphere, and I'm in such a fantastic mood I don't even want to write a pre-amble to this week's picks. Let's just get right to it. I'm all business, baby. Plus, Kansas/USF is on as I'm typing this. so, ...

Thoughts And Prayers

Monday, April 16th, 2007

Sorry for the lack of posting today, but I woke up to the images of the horrid scene unfolding in Blacksburg, Va and couldn't bring myself to care about sports today. I can't pretend to give you expert analysis of the awful events that happened at Virginia Tech, so if ...