ESPN: Bad At Geography
November 23, 2011 - 9:53 pm by HickeyI’m not sure what geography majors do when they finish college, but obviously they don’t end up working at ESPN.
Friend of the program and lifelong Minnesotan Bdogmarvelous caught the pictured error on Sports Center yesterday — a rather shocking imagine of the outline of Minnesota labeled as “Wisconsin” in some sort of segue talking about Dairyland MVP candidates Ryan Braun and Aaron Rodgers.
As someone who was able to identify all the states by the time I was 8, maybe I am biased, but… damn, that’s dumb. And just goes further to prove ESPN’s image of not being able to recognize anything that isn’t the Eastern seaboard or Los Angeles. Keep up the good work, guys!
As for Minnesotans and Wisconsinites — well, I’m not sure who should be more insulted.

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