Archive for the ‘Atlanta Falcons’ Category

America, You Concern Me

Monday, November 14th, 2011

When Mike Smith decided to go for fourth-and-inches from his own 29 in overtime against the Saints on Sunday, I figured that there weren't a lot of people outside of Mike Smith who were thinking "That's a good idea." But according to an poll on Sunday night, some 43 percent ...

What The Hell’s Going On Out There?

Thursday, October 16th, 2008

It pains me to rehash a Vince Lombardi catchphrase that's oft-rehashed by Chris Berman, but I have been left with no choice. As of this past week, the NFL has officially ceased making any kind of sense whatsoever. I'm not sure where to start, or where to finish. But that's ...

Matt Ryan is No Michael Vick; That’s a Good Thing

Monday, October 13th, 2008

We know, we know. What an obvious title for a post. You can obviously see the difference between the Atlanta's rookie quarterback from Boston College and the guy from Virginia Tech currently quarterbacking some penal league team. In terms of style, they couldn't be more different. Ryan is a pure drop ...

This Kyle Orton Character Might Actually Be Decent

Monday, October 13th, 2008

This is the first of two random, subjective quarterback evaluations we have from the same game. Let us begin. We know how fashionable it's been over the last couple years to dog on whichever quarterback the Bears are trotting out there every Sunday. In fact, it's pretty fun. Admittedly, it's more fun ...