Big Ten Conference Alignment Suggestions
June 22, 2010 - 1:12 pm by McDNow that the Big Ten has added Nebraska to become the new Big 12, the conference has to avoid making the same mistake the old Big XII made: putting all the good teams into one side of the conference (the Big XII South) and having a totally irrelevant division full of leftovers (Big XII North). Find some one who thinks Nebraska, Colorado, Kansas, Kansas State, Missouri, and Iowa State are as good as Texas, Texas A&M, Texas Tech, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State and Baylor. I dare you.
Thus, the Big Ten can’t have a similar situation happen to them if they’re going to stage a conference title game that means something. But that’s exactly what would happen if the divisions were created based solely on geography. Here’s what the Big Ten would look like with that scenario:
East Division: Michigan, Michigan State, Ohio State, Indiana, Purdue, Penn State
West Division: Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska, Northwestern, Illinois
As you can see, the West Division is freaking awful and won’t have one interesting game all season. I’m sure the teams in the suggested West Division are huge fans of this setup since it virtually guarantees a shot at the big boys in a conference title game without having to have their season ruined by playing several of them within the division every year. I’m also pretty sure no one wants to be in Ohio State’s division, but that’s just impossible.
Obviously, this scenario doesn’t work. Especially since Indiana (my alma mater) would never win more than three division games in a year and it’s not impossible that they might never win a division game … ever … with this setup.
ESPN’s Adam Rittenberg offered his own suggestions for the new Big Ten:
Delany Division: Penn State, Nebraska, Iowa, Northwestern, Indiana, Purdue
Delaney Division: Ohio State, Michigan State, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois
A definite improvement over the regionalized divisions, but still pretty heavily tilted toward one side. I also don’t understand the need to keep certain rivalries together (Ohio State/Michigan, Wisconsin/Minny) when these teams will play out-of-division games every year anyway.
Also, Penn State gets kind of screwed because they have to fly halfway across the country to play most of their division games. While that isn’t a huge deal, Ohio State gets the benefit of playing border states in half their games. Sure those are rivalries, but the idea also saves travel money. Let’s not make it too easy on the big guys.
Also, let’s not pretend Michigan is a power school in this setup. No way do they navigate those six teams every year, so the Delaney Division comes down to Ohio State and Wisconsin every year. Nice little gift for the Buckeyes, no? They need to be forced to play Penn State every year and have it mean more than just an out-of-division game (unless it’s in the conference championship game, obviously). Also, the schools are right next to each other.
Since I don’t care about keeping rivalries in the same division or about travel expenses, since the conference is going to make a ton of money, I’d break it down like this:
Campbell Division: Nebraska, Iowa, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Michigan State
Smythe Division: Ohio State, Penn State, Northwestern, Wisconsin, Purdue, Minnesota
This puts the regional big boys in the same division (Ohio State/Penn State and Nebraska/Iowa), has one wild card per division (Michigan in the Campbell and Wisconsin in the Smythe), has one plucky team in each division that’s good every so often (Michigan State/Northwestern), keeps some good teams separated so the Big Ten Championship Game isn’t pointless, and gives IU a shot at beating a couple of biggies without having to beat all of them to win the division 50 years from now.
The historical rivalries will stay together no matter what, so there’s really no point to all this hand-wringing about making sure Ohio State/Michigan and Wisconsin/Minnesota stay together somehow. And if Michigan wants to complain about having to play OSU out of division every year, then tell them to discontinue the rivalry, since the next decade of losing to the Buckeyes for Michigan at least won’t mean they’re out of their divisional race if the two teams are separated.
On the other hand, I love that my beloved Indiana Hoosiers are nowhere near the power schools in Rittenberg’s scenario, giving us a shot at maybe making some noise once in a while. So despite the flaws, I say, “Yes, please!” to Mr. Rittenberg’s suggestion for breaking down the Big Ten. Brilliant idea, perfect balance, couldn’t have said it better myself. Nevermind that rubbish above this paragraph.
Hear that, Jim Delandy/Delany?

3 Responses to “Big Ten Conference Alignment Suggestions”
A few thoughts…and this is about five minutes worth of work.
I think one of the truly easiest ways to do this is to match up similar teams in terms of past, present and projected future football success. Then, when you find like teams, you split them apart (and there is some protection of rivalries at play here, too).
Here are the six pairs I came up with:
Ohio State and Penn State: the two teams with great histories, currently leading the pack and with the resources to be good forever.
Michigan and Nebraska: great history, down now or very recently down…still have great facilities and fanbases though there are questions to if they can keep getting players forever.
Wisconsin and Iowa: checkered histories, but great fanbases…capable of winning a Big Ten title here and there, but never going to be perennial top 10 programs.
Purdue and Michigan State: Destined to finish between 4-8 and 8-4 every year with at least two games per year that they blow late leads in unbelievable fashion.
Minnesota and Northwestern: Happy with 7-5 and a spot in a random bowl game that gets played on the afternoon of Dec. 30…no prospects to ever get anything better than an Outback Bowl appearance in the future.
Indiana and Illinois: They’re awful, aside from 2007 where some craziness happened and Illinois undeservedly went to a BCS bowl and Indiana knocked off a slate of MAC opponents to get destroyed in a low level bowl game…neither look to see a bowl again unless drastic changes happen.
I have no fancy names, but here are the divisions:
Division I: Ohio State, Michigan, Wisconsin, Purdue, Indiana and Minnesota.
Division II: Penn State, Nebraska, Iowa, Michigan State, Illinois and Northwestern.
If you notice, each division includes a trophy game or “rival” to play in the final week of the season with the exception of Iowa…who would be a natural rival for Nebraska. Also, this avoids the possibility of a rematch of a huge rivalry game (really only thinking about Ohio State/Michigan) in the Big Ten championship game.
At the same time, there is a current protected rivalry game that would cross divisions. Penn State/Ohio State is already a protected game, same with Michigan State/Michigan and also with Indiana/Illinois. Iowa/Minnesota is for Floyd of Rosedale. Northwestern and Purdue could figure out something to play for…maybe the Mayor’s Key to Gary, Indiana. Finally, Nebraska and Wisconsin could be a decent game.
One man’s idea…
By Bennett on Jun 22, 2010
How DARE you say Indiana is awful! We’re, uh, um…damn, you got me. But we have a shot at being not-awful as long as we’re not in the same division as Ohio State. So move us around in your divisions and we’ve got a deal.
By McD on Jun 23, 2010