Link Dump! Brought To You By Hayden Panettiere
October 21, 2009 - 8:52 pm by Ryan PhillipsHayden Panettiere is bringing you the links today. By the looks of it, she’s pretty patriotic as well.
The Akron Zips need your help, student body - Thunder Treats
So if you’re a Mets fan, whom do you root for in the World Series? - The Legend of Cecilio Guante
Tim McClelland makes the worst call of all time - Big League Stew
Jeff Fisher is sorry for the Colts jersey - Tennesseean
Things Brett Favre hasn’t done…YET - Pyle of List
Yo, C.C., where was this two years ago? - Waiting For Next Year
Iowa fans are old, badass - With Leather
Looking good, Ray Lewis - No Guts, No Glory
More pictures of the chick Steve Phillips (no relation) was nailing - Busted Coverage
Crap, the Cubs hired that Jaramillo guy -
Henry Hill reacts to Jimmy Rollins’ game-winner - The Fightins

2 Responses to “Link Dump! Brought To You By Hayden Panettiere”
The Busted Coverage link takes you to an article about Tim Tebow and where he’s not sticking his pecker.
Which, given the pictures I’ve seen of Steve Phillips’ ladyfriend, is probably a better place to end up.
By MJenks on Oct 22, 2009
Yeah, fixed that link. The one about Tebow is a story we linked to yesterday. Not exactly sure how that happened. Oh well, these here internets just confuse me more and more every day.
By Phillips on Oct 22, 2009