Link Dump! Brought To You By Stanford Fan
August 26, 2009 - 11:59 pm by McDBecause Stanford fan is still living the dream two years later even though their team is just as atrocious. Now that’s a big win.
Wait, why haven’t the Cowboys moved the scoreboard yet? - Shutdown Corner
Jim Leavitt thinks your own poll sucks - Dr. Saturday
Ohio State is hosting Navy this year. So be classy, you f*cking WT Ohio State fans - Deadspin
RIP Ted Kennedy - Kissing Suzy Kolber
That one Oregon cheerleader might lose her scholarship because she has pictures of her in a bikini. But hell, she’s a cheerleader, they don’t need freaking scholarships anyway - Busted Coverage
Rampage as BA Baracus? - The Sun
Pretty sure this isn’t the way to honor Corey Smith’s life - The World of Isaac
Milton Bradley claims he faces hatred on a daily basis. Well if he wasn’t such an asshat… - Chicago Tribune
Soccer hooliganism is on its way back up! - The Guardian
Frank Mir says Lesnar would destroy Fedor. I tend to agree, if only because Fedor really doesn’t seem to want to fight him - With Leather
Heh. Garden Hoe. Heh - Strait Pinkie
Dale Jr. is still better than ABBA - From the Marbles