Link Dump!
May 29, 2009 - 1:39 pm by McDIt’s Friday, but is that too late to have Katrina Bowden Thursday? Hell no!
No, Jake, don’t listen to him. Don’t pick a team. Stay in San Diego forever! - Big League Stew
Sounds like a plan to me. Here’s to the 09-10 Coca Cola Championship Champions! God that sounds awful. And not to pull a reverse-Dave in Newcastle on you, but if Ameobi should be thrown into the Tyne as part of the change, then so be it - NUFC Blog
What’s really scary is Houston Nutt is about as close as the SEC gets to a moral compass - Every Day Should Be Saturday
A bit more on “Vote for Manny” - It is About the Money, Stupid
Suck it, Mo Williams - That NBA Lottery Pick
Baseball anagrams! - More Hardball
The Problem with Cleveland. There’s just one? - Cleveland Frowns
Fluminense fans get to do this and I can’t send Adrian Gonzalez locks of my hair? Weak, America. Weak - Sports Rubbish
The Rays suck right now, but hey, how about MY San Diego Padres? - Sharapova’s Thigh
Great moments in 2008-09 Euro basketball cheerleading - Busted Coverage
An ode to white ballers - Quite to the Contrary
The sad mess that is Khalil Greene’s career - Josh Q. Public
Remember when Kristin Cavallari was an innocent high school girl who just happened to be on an Mtv reality show? Me either. - Strait Pinkie
Birdman. Shannon Brown. Shannon Brown. Birdman. POSTERIZED!!! - The World of Isaac
Well shit, if she only had 89 rooms, then she wouldn’t be a princess, would she? - FanIQ Blog
I don’t mean to sound exactly like Phillips will all through fall camp, but USC isn’t going to suck this year - Dr. Saturday
Rumors of a woman sobbing loudly in Sergio Garcia’s hotel rooms on tour were (possibly) exaggerated - Devil Ball Golf
Liddell used HGH? Say it ain’t so, Chuck! - Cagewriter
Todd Tichenor got his money’s worth last night - Deadspin
Has Milton Bradley’s strike zone indeed been widened? This is why I love the internet - The Baseball Analysts
So, KSK live-blogged the national spelling bee… - Kissing Suzy Kolber
Why the fuck would Toronto FC want this matchup? - Soccer by Ives
The Simple Zone Rating. I’m already sold - The Hardball Times
After the jump, the trailer for “Public Enemies.” Good thing you can’t see where Phillips’ hands are while this is playing. It looks THAT good.