Archive for the ‘Sarah Palin’ Category

Twin Peaks, Idaho

Tuesday, September 23rd, 2008

As you know we here at Rumors and Rants are ardent supporters of cheerleaders. So imagine our outrage when this came across our desk. Apparently when University of Idaho co-eds aren't wearing clever T-shirts, they're rocking Idaho Scandal-ous outfits. (Pictured right is Gov. Palin in her University of Idaho dorm room sporting a ...

Calling Susan B. Anthony…

Thursday, September 4th, 2008

We tend to objectify women quite a bit on this here blog of ours. I know, it's chauvinistically appalling (though you don't seem to mind). Whether we're comparing women to minor league baseball prospects or splashing photos of young starlets for no reason (though none is needed), we should be ...