Archive for the ‘San Francisco 49ers’ Category

The NFL’s Real Feel-Good Story

Wednesday, January 18th, 2012

He's the feel-good story of the NFL this season -- the former first-round draft pick derided by most as a below-average quarterback who led his franchise to heights it hasn't experienced since a Hall-of-Famer was playing the position. You just haven't heard all that much about him. No, really. You haven't. Because ...

U.S. Curling Enlists Aid Of Real American Athlete

Friday, January 8th, 2010

Like any good 49er, Vernon Davis is going for gold. My buddy and fantasy football savior, VD was named an honorary captain for the U.S. Olympic Curling team. “Going to the Olympics will be a great experience and I’m looking forward to learning more about the sport and seeing other great athletes ...

My Television Attention Span Can’t Survive NFL Mediocrity

Thursday, November 12th, 2009

First, let me say I always looked down at people who watch "Survivor." Call me an elitist ass hole (which is far from the case because I'm anything but elite - though all ass hole), but I always thought people who watched the show were suckers. I mean we all ...

Vernon Davis Continues To Piss Off The World

Monday, August 10th, 2009

The 2006 NFL Draft, like every professional sports draft, had its share of flops. Names like Vince Young (No. 3), Michael Huff (No. 7), Matt Leinart (No. 10), Tye Hill (No. 15) and Bobby Carpenter (No. 18) come to mind. But none perhaps is a bigger bust than San Francisco ...

So Which Team Will T.O. Ruin Next?

Thursday, March 5th, 2009

This is a glorious day, the Cowboys have cut Terrell Owens... ...and now the question is which team is stupid enough to sign him. I vote the Bears, just for my personal entertainment purposes. Thoughts? Let us first ponder the past repercussions of T.O.'s scortched Earth policy when it comes to teams ...