Archive for the ‘Super Bowl XLII’ Category

Football With (No) Balls

Thursday, February 7th, 2008

Given the level of disdain I feel for the NFL Pro Bowl, which occurs each February, I'm constantly amazed at how often I find myself thinking about it. I can't shake it. It's inescapable, like a naked picture of Bea Arthur or Britney Spears' crotch. Each year, starting in December ...

Hey Bill Simmons…

Monday, February 4th, 2008

How do you like the Eli Manning Face?Yes, we know, it's awfully easy to pile on Boston right now. But it's also deserved. For in the weeks leading up to the Super Bowl, the Patriots and their fans came to represent everything that one normally wouldn't normally associate with New ...

Super Bowel XLII Preview: Who To Root For?

Wednesday, January 30th, 2008

When Lawrence Tynes finally figured out how to put a ball through the uprights on that freezing Sunday, a strangely bittersweet sensation swept over me. True, the normally disliked rival Packers had just lost. But at what cost?For with that fatal kick, America had nightmarishly bumped into ESPN's Viagra: another ...