Archive for the ‘Steve Bartman’ Category

Catching Hell; Feeling Shame

Wednesday, September 28th, 2011

I'm embarrassed. Hopefully we're all embarrassed. Because we're just as human as he is. "He" is Steve Bartman, who went from being a normal guy to the world's most infamous fan to having ESPN air a documentary, "Catching Hell," that recalled the whole unfortunate thing. And "we" are Cubs fans. Most likely, ...

A “What If?” From A Chicago Cubs Fan

Monday, May 11th, 2009

It just might be the most famous foul ball of all-time. On Oct. 14, 2003, the Chicago Cubs were five outs away from the World Series. Florida’s Luis Castillo hit a fly ball toward left field. Moises Alou raced toward the foul line, got to the wall, reached up and...oops. A 26-year ...

Only the Cubs

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009

There are certain bizarre things that seem like they can only happen to certain franchises. Only the Mets could open Citi Field by allowing the decisive run to be scored on a balk. Likewise, only the Mets could lose two games in the first two games of the season due to ...

The Great Depression

Monday, October 6th, 2008

First, a note from The Chairman: It's my kind of team Chicago is My kind of team Chicago is One team that always, always lets you down It's myyyyy... kiiiiiind... of... team! I guess the old adage is true: father knows best. The day before the Cubs started the NLDS against the Dodgers, my dad came out ...

It’s All Bartman’s Fault Again

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008

I feel as though I should weigh in on this issue since I'm one of the non-Cubs fans on this blog, and that gives me a little perspective as to the whole Bartman disaster in the 2003 playoffs. Especially since I did not have a vested interest in either team ...