Archive for the ‘NIT’ Category

The Final Four is Set…For The NIT

Wednesday, March 25th, 2009

Well the much anticipated Final Four is already set. Yep, it's already all mapped out. For the National Invitation Tournament. Let me guess, you don't care? It's the Not Interested Tournament or the Not Invited Tournament to you. Sure, fine. No really, that's fine. I'm not going to try and convince you ...

Screw You, SEC

Monday, March 16th, 2009

Every year, the NCAA tournament committee manages to make at least one glaring mistake. And we're always here to call them out on it. Last year, it was the comparatively minor violation of giving Butler the shaft when it came to seeding. Last year's Bulldogs, who were clearly good enough to ...

Notre Dame is On Its Way to Being a Big East Casualty

Wednesday, January 28th, 2009

It is not a good time for the Notre Dame basketball team right now. Gone are the happy-go-lucky days of making many 3-pointers. Those moments have been replaced with long faces and quiet locker rooms. As a man named Heath Ledger would say if he were alive and wearing lots of ...

Wrapping Up The NIT First Round

Thursday, March 20th, 2008

Since it's NCAA tournament time, we here at Rumors and Rants know what you really need for your basketball jones. No, it's not Thursday and Friday off of work or a television in your cubicle. It's a wrap-up of the first round of NIT games! OK, so you didn't know ...