Snooki of “Jersey Shore” Creates Professional Boxing Team
January 2, 2012 - 7:17 pm by Ashley LoughJust when you thought the tentacles of the Snooki brand had reached every corner of our lives (super fans can buy a bottle of SNOOKI perfume for $44.99 and smell like a stale keg baking in a tanning bed), Jersey Shore “star” Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi announced her newest business venture: professional boxing.
Team Snooki Boxing is currently comprised of three Irish brothers: Eddie, Paul and Patrick “Pajo” Hyland. Team Snooki’s “Irish Invasion” will take Atlantic City by storm for their debut event at Resorts Casino on January 28
Snooki is no stranger to fighting, having been decked by a guy in a bar during taping of Jersey Shore, and guest appearing on WWE earlier this year.
No word on if Snooki will ask her pale Irish lads to get a spray tan before their performances, or if she plans to stick to her Latin Italian roots when signing future fighters. In the meantime, stay abreast of Team Snooki Boxing from their Twitter account.