Ohio State Gets Failure To Monitor Charge
November 10, 2011 - 5:16 pm by Ryan PhillipsThe NCAA has notified Ohio State that it will face a “failure to monitor charge” in addition to more allegations related to its football program. On Thursday Ohio State announced it will dock itself five total football scholarships over the next three years in response to the new alleged violations.
The Buckeyes are currently awaiting a ruling after going before the NCAA’s committee on infractions back in August for the tattoo-for-memorabilia scandal that forced former coach Jim Tressel to resign. They received another notice of allegations from the NCAA on November 3, and those infractions revolve around a Cleveland-area booster who allegedly provided impermissible benefits to players.
The “failure to monitor” charge is one of the most significant the NCAA can bring against a member school and is typically one step short of a “lack of institutional control” charge.
Ohio State officials are scheduled to appear before the NCAA committee on infractions again on December 10 to answer these charges, but the school has asked to have them reviewed prior to that date.
The new round of infractions center around former booster Robert DiGeronimo who allegedly provided a total of $2,405 in extra benefits to nine different football players. Four players were given $200 each at a charity event in February, while five players were overpaid by a total of $1,605 for work they didn’t do during summer jobs for DiGeronimo’s excavation company.
DiGeronimo has admitted to giving $200 payments to running back Jordan Hall, cornerback Travis Howard, defensive back Corey Brown and former quarterback Terrelle Pryor. Wide receiver DeVier Posey, running back Dan Herron and offensive lineman Marcus Hall are alleged to be involved in the summer job case.
DiGeronimo and Posey have disputed the allegations of overpayment for the job.
Ohio State finally disassociated itself from DiGeronimo on September 20, which was probably far too late for the NCAA’s taste.
The NCAA claims the school “failed to take appropriate actions to determine if DiGeronimo continued to employ student-athletes or host them at the charity event despite concerns about his interaction with the football program.
The NCAA also claims that Ohio State, “failed to educate football student-athletes about DiGeronimo, encourage them to cease interaction with him or inquire about their potential employment with DiGeronimo and attendance at the charity event.”
It would seem Ohio State is in deep trouble for this. Something tells me taking five scholarships away over three years won’t be enough to satisfy the committee on infractions.

7 Responses to “Ohio State Gets Failure To Monitor Charge”
I hope they get the death penalty for football-OSU fans were always snooty-not so much now
By philwht on Nov 10, 2011
Ohio State still has onboard two of the culprits ( E. Gordon Gee & Gene Smith ) in this terrible scandal. Their continued failure to address the problems and thus perpetuate the infractions speaks volumns to the need for their removal from the institution. The reluctance of the university board to act diligently will continue to be a stain on the reputation of the university. And as long as that failure exists the university deserves what happens in the way of fines, loss of games, loss of scholorships, bowl disqualifications and loss of potential athletes, not to mention the continued deterioration of its status. The blueprint is there - use it to rebuild your house !
By John Lamb on Nov 10, 2011
Phil….at least Ohio State fans don’t use the word “snooty”
By Dan on Nov 10, 2011
Memorabilia for tattoos. What is the NCAA going to do to PennState ? Or is the NCAA only interested in keeping the integrity of the cash flow ?
By Nurture on Nov 10, 2011
Since there are criminal charges being brought against all the people in the Penn State case it is unlikely the football program will face sanctions. It’s a criminal activity not something associated with amateurism.
When players break the law (like, say Maurice Clarett) the NCAA hasn’t traditionally punished schools.
By Ryan Phillips on Nov 10, 2011
I’m right there with you Nurture. It seerms to me that criminal charges are far worse than a few thousand dollars in cash for memorabilia or a $200 payment for an event. Now I’m not saying that the OSU players didn’t act stupidly in accepting or looking for these payments or that OSU was correct in covering up but it seems so petty when you look at covering up child sexual abuse for years.
By Mami Buckeye on Nov 11, 2011
Isn’t it obvious, with Ohio State it’s not the way you play the game, it’s weather you win or lose! How long is the NCAA going to tolerate this from them. If the “Death Penalty” was good enough for SMU it’s good enough for these guys. Isn’t this last infraction enough to tell you that they are going to do what they can if you let them.
By John M on Nov 11, 2011