Reggie Bush Begging Kim Kardashian To Take Him Back
August 11, 2011 - 12:30 am by Ryan PhillipsReggie Bush has had an eventful past few months. After dealing with an uncertain future because of the NFL’s lockout, he finally learned his fate when the New Orleans Saints traded him to the Miami Dolphins.
While all of that was going on, his former girlfriend Kim Kardashian was very publicly having a whirlwind romance with New Jersey Nets forward Kris Humphries. Humphries and Kardashian are now engaged and planning a wedding. Apparently, Bush doesn’t wish them well.
Bush has reportedly been bombarding Kardashian with text messages and voice mails attempting to persuade her to call off the wedding and give him another shot. A friend reports that in the past Kardashian was friendly to him, but now she has just stopped responding to his desperate attempts at reconciliation. Apparently she really has moved on, and he hasn’t.
Bush and Kardashian first started dating in 2007 and broke up several times before finally completely calling it quits in 2010. Since then, the reality TV star has dated Miles Austin, Gabriel Aubry (I have no idea who that is) and then she started dating Humphries in late 2010.
Frankly, after what Bush and his family did the my beloved USC Trojans, I’m kind of glad he’s suffering from some heartbreak. Welcome to the club Reggie!

2 Responses to “Reggie Bush Begging Kim Kardashian To Take Him Back”
I hope THIS is in fact nothing more than a rumor. I honestly hope Reggie Bush is not graveling over this “lady” and I am using the word loosely. Anyone between the ages of 38-65 know damn well NONE of us would even know who Kim Kardashian or her media slave sisters and mother are if her father Robert Kardashian was still living. It’s already bad enough that he’s most likely turned over in his grave 10 billion times at the very notion that his “properly raised princess” was seen by all the world penis-riding Brandy’s little brother, Ray J who is just one of many BLACK men she’s bedded. (Reggie just happens to be a tad bit more mature and has WAY more wealth.) Let me not bother to mention all the other nameless, faceless guys this woman “sucks/fucks” and plays it off as “her being an adult and doing her thing.”
Unless Reggie Bush calls me personally or my cousin who plays in the NFL tells me so I simply don’t believe it. Why would Reggie Bush want HER back? He and virtually every other athelete, musician, artist, business man, dogwalker, window washer and anything walking with a penis has already had her. Reggie is quite capable of getting into a relationship or not a relationship with any beautiful woman on this planet. He can also get a woman who is naturally beautiful, one who has had little to no plastic surgery, who is not a media whore, who is wealthy on her own, who is honest, decent and certainly not a slut/tramp/whore unless it’s solely behind closed doors with and for only him.
I’m sure Reggie Bush’s family would not, does not and will never approve of the likes of Kim Kardashian or her family. I’m sure they all wish Kim would hurry up and marry this guy from the Nets and hope they don’t have to see or hear anymore about her. I can’t imagine them wishing Kim anything but blessings and peace and for Kim to leave Reggie alone.
By Ms. Reg (no relation to Reggie Bush) on Aug 15, 2011