Important Observations From Bulls-Heat Game 1
May 16, 2011 - 1:25 am by Hickey- As the whole universe knows, the Heat celebrated like they actually won something last week when they topped the Over The Hill Gang in the second round since it was a hurdle that had previously eluded Srs. Wade and James, as well as Sra. Bosh in his not-many trips to the playoffs with Toronto.
Someone probably should have let the fellows know that was not their real hurdle, though. After Sunday night’s performance, the current incarnation of the Heat is 0-for-4 against the Bulls. Obviously one game does not make a series. But at no point this season has Miami shown itself capable of beating Chicago. Right now it’s hard to fathom them finding a way to do so four times in the next six games.
- The Heat are a good reflection of their hometown: all style and no substance.
- I’ve covered many an inner-city high school game where there is a pretty sweet play that causes the crowd to collectively go “OHHHHHH! Ohhhh! Ohhhh!” and create a generally awesome ruckus that wasn’t really possible when you grew up watching white-bread suburban teams.
So while I’ve seen this type of reaction a number of times, I’ve never actually been moved to respond to a play in such a way myself. Until Taj Gibson’s putback dunk at the end of the game. I jumped off my couch and said something to the effect of “WOOOOOOOO! OHHHH SH*T!”
That alone was worth it.
- Of all the things that stuck out from Game 1, there is one item that sticks out as the most significant: Omer Asik appears to be a 7-foot tall Turkish version of Judge Reinhold.
The Associated Press took the photo of the future Taj Gibson poster. Thanks, guys.

2 Responses to “Important Observations From Bulls-Heat Game 1”
Very fun game to watch
By Employment Law Attorney on May 17, 2011
As you know, I was there and just happened to be recording right before that dunk happened. As you can hear, those in attendance had the same reaction you did.
By Cousin Charlie on May 17, 2011