Pat Hill Thinks BCS Teams Are Sissies
November 20, 2010 - 7:49 pm by McDIvan Maisel’s post-mortem on the Boise/Fresno game says it all. Well, more like he lets Fresno State head coach Pat Hill say it all. If anyone had any doubt about Boise State’s national championship credentials, just ask the Bulldogs’ coach, whose players were at the no-fun end of a 51-0 Boise State win.
“I think the truth of the matter is, people are scared to play them,” Hill said. “They don’t want to play them. I’ll say it. I have no problem saying it. I’ll take Boise State against anybody in the country.
“What else do they have to do? They’re on the verge of their fourth undefeated season in six years. You gotta be kidding me. Someday we got to wake up and say, ‘We just can’t listen to all the people who’ve got all the money. We’ve got to listen to people that have the best teams.’ They’re a great football team.”
I would never have put a football coach and populist rage in the same thought, but the man has a point, and it isn’t a point the auto-qualifiers want to hear.
Hill’s point is especially salient because his Fresno State program is the Jurassic version of all the non-AQ teams (Boise, TCU, Utah, BYU, Nevada) that have made a lot of noise against BCS foes in recent years. His “anywhere, anytime” mantra for his team was the sole cry of rage against the major conferences for years before those teams got as good as they are now. The guys knows what it is to be inferior to the biggies but refuse to give in.
Lately, Fresno is more of an afterthought in the WAC and in any BCS conversation. The non-AQ football world has passed them by in a lot of ways.
But anyone can see there is more than a little truth to what he’s saying about Boise and the big conference teams. The BCS in general is afraid of Boise State, and probably TCU too. There’s very little in it for them to even play either of those teams.
Worse, there is almost no angle for the end of the season that won’t give the BCS an excuse. If Boise gets left out of the title game because of Oregon and Auburn, they can simply say the two major conference champs went undefeated and that’s just the formula. If Boise plays and loses to one of them, it just proves their point. If Boise BEATS one of those teams, well, Oregon and Auburn aren’t exactly traditional football powers, are they? Just a “crazy” year in college football.
We have to stop this, people. College football needs a playoff. It isn’t competition if teams aren’t on equal footing and don’t all have the same shot at the same title.

51 Responses to “Pat Hill Thinks BCS Teams Are Sissies”
This is BSU’s best team ever and all they want is a chance to play for the title. BSU beat Oregon the last two years, so we know they can play with them and Auburn has no defense, so I know that would be a good game too. Let the action on the field be the judge of how good they are. BSU plays Georgia next year and message boards are already making excuses if BSU wins with Georgia is on a down period, so that doesn’t count. BSU is losing seniors too so what’s the problem.
By James on Nov 20, 2010
Let Boise State play TCU so they can beat the brakes off them and then who else is there left to play. A good game would be Oregon.
By CJ Brooks on Nov 20, 2010
Good article except Fresno was not good before BYU, seeing as BYU has a national championship from 1984 and played in the cotton bowl in 1996. Fresno fans think they started the rage, but really it started with BYU.
By cjfool on Nov 21, 2010
Has everyone forgot what uga did to Boise state the last time.Boise state would be a 5 loss team in the sec.Boise is the same as Hawaii was a couple years ago.They wanted a title shot and got embarrased by uga also.Anyone can win a single big game but if you play good competition every week losses will come.Boise and teams like tcu basically have by-weeks all season.
By s.e.c.ond to none on Nov 21, 2010
As a UGA fan, I absolutely agree with the Fresno coach. Boise can beat anyone. It’s just too bad that you can’t throw them into the SEC one year, and see what they could do playing 8 games against these physical and fast teams. Look at Bama - one of the best teams in the country, and, depending on the outcome of the Auburn game, may lose 3 conference games.
By Joey on Nov 21, 2010
Boise State could resolve all their problems by jumping to a better conference. They had a chance to join the PAC-10 and they refused in favor of joining the Mountain West conference (another weak non-BCS conference). If Boise State really wants to prove how good they are, start playing better teams instead of sitting back all season playing nobodies and then whining about not getting a title shot. Utah figured it out finally, that’s why they joined the PAC-10. Boise State and TCU should do the same, and then they could prove how good they are.
By Shawn on Nov 21, 2010
The SEC is number one for cheaters that have been kicked out of one college already, criminals, and those that require payment to secure enrollment. It also has the biggest propaganda machine supporting it which accounts for its gross overating.
By Tim on Nov 21, 2010
The SEC is a bunch of pussy’s!
That crap about it’s easy to get up for one game is old and is B.S.!!
Not ONE of those special needs SEC schools will come to Boise to play, cause lets face it, they are pussy’s. It’s not because of, “there’s nothing in it for us”.
Time to start thinking up new excuses you BCS clowns. Put up or shut up!
By mitch on Nov 21, 2010
The whole answer is simple BSU to the PAC 10,TCU to the big 12. ok.
By L. POWELL on Nov 21, 2010
You got me on BYU being the predecessor to Fresno and everyone else, though I was thinking just in the BCS era for the post.
By McD on Nov 21, 2010
Shawn, College football new to you? Boise would have loved to go to the PAC-10. We were not invited. We were invited to the Mountain West. That was the best offer we had, so we took it. Utah got invited because Salt Lake is a much larger media market than Boise. Same was true for Colorado. Clearly, Colorado was not picked for their winning record…. College football is driven by one thing, and one thing only…. MONEY!!! The big boys, with better teams, in better conferences have been controlling the money for a long time. They will not give it up anytime soon.
By Jeff on Nov 22, 2010
Jeff, you must be dumber than dog crap. As you was so nice to point out, It’s all about the MONEY!!! You got to pay to play. You buy your way in first and then they invite you. Its how the world goes round, or are you so blind and gullible that you still believe in Santa Claus. Put up or shut up. Oh, you’re just pissy cause you’re a Boise State fan who things their all that. Got to play somebody before you can be all that!
By Shawn on Nov 22, 2010
No way Boise Stated plays and wins in the SEC. They may win once, maybe twice, but to win week in and week out, no way. They are not built for it. It is easy to win when you play in a high school district. Stop whining Boise State and move to a stronger conferance.
By James on Nov 22, 2010
no one doubts that bsu can beat anyone in the country. even i, being an sec fan, think they can beat anyone on any given night. but the issue isn’t 1 team on any given night. it’s playing sec caliber teams week after week after week. if you put bsu in the sec where the talent is so much better throughout the whole conference than the conference bsu is in then they would not be undefeated. like i said earlier though i do agree that on any given night bsu could beat any team in the sec, but not on a weekly basis. i would love to see the bsu’s and tcu’s come to a bcs conference.
By paul on Nov 22, 2010
hey mitch. i do believe the sec has put up. after all, who’s won the last 4 championships. the SEC. maybe you need to shut up.
By paul on Nov 22, 2010
Come on Shawn, Boise has never been invited into the Pac 10(12) They would join in a heartbeat if ever invited. Please do a little research before making wild statements like that.
By stonehinge on Nov 22, 2010
Yep, Boise & TCU can play with the big boys though a lot of posters here won’t admit it. They like to point out the time Georgia beat Boise several years ago as if that is relevant today or somehow erases those losses that Oregon & OU racked up when they played them. Or they will throw out the “could never go undefeated in the SEC” which again is not relevant since they don’t play there & last but not least the old “anyone can get up for one game”, unless of course you are BAMA & you only have one month to prepare for Utah.
By Siggy on Nov 22, 2010
Wow Shawn,I am so impressed on your knowledge of how things are done. The decision to not invite BSU to the Pac 10 had to do with stadium size and TV market! It’s dumb asses like you who’s team is probably a bunch of losers anyway that get on the message boards and act like they know what’s going on. You’re and idiot and prove it with every post you make.
By Ben 10 on Nov 22, 2010
I think you all should put up or shut up. The whole BCS national title process is BS. you guys have a playoff system for basketball but cant figure it out for football? Join the FCS where you actually have to win, and then win every weekend come NOV. to stay alive for a national championship.
By catfan on Nov 23, 2010
Boise would have beaten Alabama by 30 points last year, just like Utah did three years ago.
By G. hearn on Nov 23, 2010
Has everyone forgot that Boise is 3-1 against TCU and Oregon, with a winning record against ranked teams as well..hmmm
By mspickelmier on Nov 23, 2010
Georgia fan here.
Great respect for Boise’s program.
Most exciting team in football.
Look forward to playing ya’ll next
year, and if you kick our arse, there
will be no excuses.
Good luck to you in the BCS race.
By shankit on Nov 23, 2010
Scenario: If Oregon and/or Auburn lose a game and BSU and TCU both go undefeated in their seasons and are not allowed to play in the championship (or even a BCS game with only ONE non AQ invited) then go find a federal judge that will issue an injunction against the BCS system and put the whole bowl season on hold indefinitely until it is fixed. The pressure from TV stations and fans will be sufficient to correct the system this season.
By southpaw on Nov 23, 2010
I like how Shawn says BSU had a chance to join the Pac 10, your an idiot, they never where contacted and would have joined in a heart beat, they already have wrestling in the Pac 10. So many idiots say things they know nothing about. What a joke, BSU would love to go to a AQ conference but you have to be invited before you can join.
By Steve on Nov 23, 2010
Shawn, since I assume you are part of the committee that offered BSU a chance to play in the Pac 10, do enlighten us as to when this offer came……It’s a lame*** lie that there ever was an offer from the Pac 10, so when you get your facts straight then write intelligently. We are already participating in 2 sports within the Pac 10, (wrestling, gymnastics), so if an offer came it would make all the sense in the world to accept it. The Pac 10 oprted for TV markets instead of quality football programs, which explains the ignorant idea of inviting Colorado and Utah, which by the way since joining the Pac 10, bought its way out of the home and home series with BSU.
By macdaddy66 on Nov 23, 2010
Everybody thinks the SEC is God but then they fail to recall how Utah baby seal clubbed Alabama in the ’09 Sugar Bowl. But they say “Boo Hoo, not fair… they were down emotionally because they lost the SEC Championship”. Didn’t seem to Bother Florida in last year’s Sugar bowl vs Cinci…..
By ptsdthor on Nov 23, 2010
Shankit, Thanks. We are looking forward to playing a very talented Georgia team and looking to see where we rank among the best in the game. No smack talk, just good hard nose football. Good luck to uga nation see you in the fall.
By macdaddy66 on Nov 23, 2010
Those who defend the argument that non-BCS schools would fade in conferences such as the SEC (“Seldom Educationally Competent”) forget one very important . . . and obvious . . . fact. Put Boise State in the SED and suddenly they would be recruiting 3, 4, and 5 star athletes. Since BSU is now playing at the highest level with eager 2 and some 3 star athletes, what do you think they would do with a steady diet of the kind of recruits that Florida, Alabama, and Auburn are used to getting?
Oh, yes, the Mountain West Conference is at least as good as two of the BCS conferences. I never hear the MWC compared to the Big Least or the Awful Coast Conference. There’s a reason for that; those conferences would suffer by comparison.
By AztecWilliam on Nov 23, 2010
How hard would it be for a Bama, LSU, Florida, Oklahoma, Texas, to go undefeated playing Boise’s schedule? This is a non arguement. None of the RWAL schools will give up their 80k-100K attendance pay days to make Boise State fans feel better about not being in a REAL football conference. Boise—go play someone before running off at the mouth. Georgia—a mid level SEC team cleaned you ever living clock already. You lose 4-5 with a SEC schedule—period.
By steve on Nov 23, 2010
Shawn and James. First off BSU was never offerd to play in the Pac-10, so I dont know where you get that, as obvioulsy you are making that up. James, you have the most bs post on here. BSU has played power progams the last few years and have WON!! They beat Oregon at home and away the last 2 years, They beat Virgina Tech ACC Champion, They beat TCU in the Fiesta bowl, They beat OU in the Fiesta bowl. When they are asked to play they win. And to say they are not built to play pussie SEC teams is rediculous. I guess having the number 2 Defense and number 4 offense means nothing on how they are built huh.. Learn your history before you make a comment, as BSU would beat anyone in the counrty right now hands down!!
By Victor on Nov 23, 2010
Steve, either you did not read my post or you are somewhat dense. If Florida, Georgia, or any other Div-I powers were members of the WAC, MWC, or whatever non-BCS conference, they would be subject to the same recruiting conditions that BSU and their fellow conference members must deal with. So, if Florida, Georgia, etc. were to spend a few years in the WAC, they would not be getting the large numbers of 4 and 5 star players they now recruit. They would have to make do with the 2 star and occasional 3 star guys that sign on with BSU. Now THAT would be a level playing field.
Put any non-BCS school in the Pac-10, Big-10, SEC, etc and said school would be able to bring many more high quality players than before they achieved the BCS status. Right now, Rivals’ recruiting ratings show all but 2 of the highest 45 schools, TCU and Utah, are not members of the BCS. Even Indiana is listed above Houston, for instance.
Bottom line; BCS schools, by the very fact of their membership in that athletic cartel, have an enormous advantage in recruiting. The fact that BSU and TCU have risen to their current rankings tells us that they are worthy of national championshp consideration. I know, from the BCS point of view, those two schools are just a bit too uppity! Darn them! Don’t they know their place?
By AztecWillilam on Nov 23, 2010
its all just talk sec… pac 10, mwc,… conferences will gain teams and conferences will lose teams….in the end its going to come down to a playoff system, basketball has the answer with march madness, football different story. im no expert but its all irrelevant till there’s a playoff system… BSU doesn’t give a s*** what you (whatever school your biased for) or anyone has to say, if its scheduled they will come to play and You’ll find the excuses. We Don’t Care its a BSU Victory!!!
By the answer on Nov 23, 2010
Utah proved that the SEC can get beat and get beat badly. The SEC people keep forgeting about Alabama and Utah is the Sugar Bowl.. Let Boise play Auburn and TCU Oregon. TCU d would shut down Oregon. and Boise would light Auburn like no ones bus.
By alabama got slammed on Nov 23, 2010
same old story. BCS fans claiming their teams play week in, week out. Look at your down weeks and be serious. Yes, Boise has down weeks too. They must play their conference and others that will accept. Too bad so many other “big” teams won’t play them. You speak like they’ve never beaten anyone. Umm, I think you can count Virginia Tech, Oregon, Oregon State, Oklahoma and TCU as some damn good teams. Undefeated 4 of 6 years. Even great teams slip up. They don’t even slip. They’d smoke Auburn and give Oregon a new Orifice this year.
By Kelvin on Nov 23, 2010
Hey Pat Hill, thank you for stepping forward and speaking true words despite the loss last week. You are a man of honesty and truth, even when down. Wishing you much success in the future. Others with less heart and truth would find excuses as to why Boise won or has success. You found and shared the truth. And you’re right, choose them over any team in the nation.
By Kelvin on Nov 23, 2010
Just because Boise is having their best season ever doesn’t mean they deserve to be in the championship game. Sometimes your best isn’t good enough. It is great that they are having a good season but so are many other teams. It is awesome that they dominate their competition. They should. If they want respect earn it. Go play every meaningful away game they can get without the demands. Florida State was willing to go on the road to build their program. Play Georgia, USC, and Ohio St next year. Go undefeated and people will think a lot more of them. Do it for the next five years and people will think they are legitimate. People who want a play off are just using Boise as a excuse for one.
By steve on Nov 23, 2010
You’re all right and you’re all wrong. The only solution to this is a playoff. That way BSU would be playing the “big” boys, and they would have to play week after week till the end of the playoff. Then we would all know how good they were or were not. I do agree that the BCS cureent system sucks and suck bad. To them it is all about the money and they will continue to talk down any one who is currently trying to take it away from them. If it is a National Championship then lets make it a National Championship that everyone gets a chance in.
By Leonard on Nov 23, 2010
For all you SEC fans that bring up the
Boise State loss to Georgia you cannot ignore
the Alabama loss to Utah also if you look at
their out of conferance schedule Orgeon State
Virginia Tech and Toledo so at the begining of
the year that is 1 gimmee.
Also if a major conferance wanted them as another poster has stated they would get higher profile recruits plus their budget would increase.
next year I see Boises first game is against
Georgia at the Georgia dome is this a home and home if not that proves the Sec is scared
By Mark on Nov 24, 2010
Boise has never played back to back tough games. 2008 they beat Oregon only after giving the starting QB a concussion on a late illegal hit. Oregon’s true freshman QB almost won the game. 2008 Boise was undefeated as usual playing in the WAC and lost in the Poinsettia Bowl. A win over rollover Fresno State 51-0, Heck, the Idaho Vandals made more of a game of it, 52-14. Pat Hill must be worried about his cut of a BCS bowl. Lol. Everyone of the one loss teams should be ahead of Boise. I hear the Poinsettia Bowl is about all they can handle. Boise State the ONE DECENT WIN A SEASON WONDERS.
By Oregonized Duck on Nov 24, 2010
Every year Boise goes undefeated in the WAC. Except 2005 Fresno State and 2007 Hawaii beat them. Every year they should play for the NC game. How ridiculous. Any of the top 30 teams could step in to Boise’s place and play one good game go undefeated, Nevada shouldn’t be in the top 30. Hawaii beat them and Hawaii is only 28th. None would step down to the WAC.
By Oregonized Duck on Nov 24, 2010
FSU was in a somewhat different position than BSU. We’d had three pretty good years starting with 1964 (first win over UF, beat Oklahoma in Gator Bowl).
Unlike Boise, FSU was an independent. All those road games were scheduled years out in a time when FSU really sucked. The ADs who scheduled FSU thought they were getting a homecoming opponent, a dirctional school.
Recruiting was similar though, two and maybe three star players. Bowden could scheme and coach guys up whan he first got to FSU.
By Russell on Nov 24, 2010
Shawn, did you seriously just call Jeff dumb as dog crap and then proceed to write “As you was so nice to point out” and “Boise State fan who things their all that” in your response to him. I think it’s obvious who the dumb one is here.
By Mike on Nov 24, 2010
Just an FYI, Boise St is 0-4 vs the SEC.
By Tigerfan1992 on Nov 24, 2010
s.e.c.ond to none - Are you serious?? The Georgia/Boise game was 5 years ago! BSU has only been in the FBS for 14 years. Every year they put a better product on the field. How long has Georgia been in the FBS for??? Anyone who points to a game played more than a year ago is simply being ridiculous! Stop hanging onto the past. That’s the problem with many coaches in big conferences. They become complacent and so do the fans. They just settle for the status quo and hang onto the past. Tradition is stupid!
By Scott on Nov 24, 2010
Oregonized Duck - Still bitter about last years whoopin I see. Best you can do is hope and pray Bama doesn’t beat Auburn or the Ducks with get burnt again by BSU in Glendale.
By Scott on Nov 24, 2010
when will folks stop assuming what BSU would do in a “tough” conference……..they would have the money and the recruits to compete heads up…the difference would be the coaches….so …..stuff your lose 4-5 games - you have nothing….nothing to support that…except for your opinion which carries no weight - zip - nada - zero….
By wolfman_4444 on Nov 24, 2010
Georgia beat Boise? Does UGA even have a conference win this year?
By billh on Nov 24, 2010
To the poster who said that a middle of pack Georgia team crushed Boise State a few years ago missed a couple of important points. 1) That Georgia team actually won the SEC Championship and was not middle of the pack. and 2) Boise was not nearly as strong then as they are now. That was 5 years ago, prior to them even beating Oklahoma in the Fiesta Bowl.
So basically it’s a worthless and factually incorrect point.
By Matt on Nov 24, 2010
Ben 10, BSU’s stadium capacity is 32,000. Small compared to everyone else. However, Wake Forest has a smaller stadium capacity at 31,500. Oh wait a second, isn’t Wake Forest in the ACC? And I do believe the ACC is a BCS conference.
You should be impressed on my knowledge of how things work. Because obviously you don’t have an F-ing clue, and maybe you should check your facts before you call anyone an idiot.
And everyone else who thinks I stated the PAC 10 invited them, MAYBE YOU SHOULD LEARN HOW TO READ. I never said the PAC 10 invited them. I said maybe they should buy their way in like everyone else had too. Then they WOULD get invited.
By Shawn on Nov 24, 2010
Ha Ha Ha Ha
Guess Boise State’s not All That! Couldn’t beat Nevada.
So go back home and shut up now. Oh, and take your stupid fans with you.
By Shawn on Nov 27, 2010