Et tu, Nevada?
November 27, 2010 - 2:39 am by Ryan PhillipsHow, exactly, did that happen? Boise State, arguably the best team in all of college football, the most complete, well-rounded squad we’ve seen all year, utterly fell apart in Reno like a drunken gambler who couldn’t afford to play in Vegas. Up 24-7 after the half, and with a chance to win the game with two seconds remaining on a 26-yard field goal, and the Broncos couldn’t do it. Couldn’t, freaking, do it.
What happened Nevada? We thought you were cool, man. Thought you were a bro we could hang with, maybe ya know, get chill with. We thought you were down. Clearly we were wrong, man. You’re just another good-time hating, BCS-lovin’ square. We were all having fun trying to blow this whole thing up, starting a revolution and you had to go and do The Man’s work.
So thanks Nevada, you’re our version of Sirhan Sirhan. You’ve taken away our shining hope and left us with only TCU. And that’s like leaving us with Hubert Humphrey and praying for votes against the powers that be. The Horned Frogs just aren’t enough against the coalition that stands in our way.
I used to like Colin Kaepernick and his band of miscreants from Nevada. Now that I’ve tasted their steel in my back, I no longer have any love for the Wolf Pack.

4 Responses to “Et tu, Nevada?”
How dare you compare a bunch of young college guys to a Muslim terrorist like Sirhan Sirhan. These are American boys playing their hearts out for their fans and Sirhan was a typical Muslim loser who can’t stand the Western world’s high standard of living so he resorted to unprovoked violence against an innocent person.
By KJ on Nov 28, 2010
Lighten up dude.
By Phillips on Nov 29, 2010
I understand your frustration but as Boise has done to Nevada so must Nevada do to Boise. You didn’t think we would roll over like Alabama? Nevada (and Boise) have to much intergrity.
Of course no one is looking at this the way I think they should….WAC is not as weak as you might think.
By Jeff on Dec 2, 2010
Upset? Maybe. A fluke, No. Look at the numbers in the game. Nevada played a great game. I wish the BCS would get on board with where the talent really is. Boise and Nevada can play with anyone. Too bad they will not get a chance to beat up on a BCS conference school in a bowl game.
By Chris on Dec 3, 2010