Welcome to the Playoffs, Chicago Bulls
April 15, 2010 - 12:46 am by TheRiotWell this should be fun.
The Chicago Bulls clinched the No. 8 seed in the Eastern Conference playoffs with a win over Charlotte on Wednesday and earned the right to play LeBron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers. Isn’t that just dandy.
Because, seriously, even though the Bulls went 2-2 against the Cavs this year (go ahead and check how many of those games LeBron played in), they have absolutely no shot at doing anything in the playoffs.
As a matter of fact, what’s the point of even going? So they can get destroyed and miss out on a chance at some really good player in the draft lottery? Well, great.
If I didn’t have a better head on my shoulders I would want to shove Vinny Del Negro for doing a pretty decent coaching job, pulling the Bulls from the precipice of being really bad and making them just mediocre enough to get into the playoffs in the Eastern Conference.
Too bad John Paxson already beat me to it.
Anyway, I suppose it’s good news the Bulls reached the playoffs so the hoops fans don’t have to figure something out about hockey just in time to root for the Blackhawks.
Heck, maybe they can push the Cavs to a Game 7 or something like they did to the Celtics last year.
But more likely they’ll get swept and can only hope a good player comes to them in the draft.
I’d rather play the lottery.

One Response to “Welcome to the Playoffs, Chicago Bulls”
chicago bulls need to go thru what there going thru, it build charcter. michael jordan had to endure the same pain when he came in the league. give or take 2 years will be right there. it all start’s with a good point guard,we got that!!! then a reliable big man who work’s hard, we got that noah!!!! next comes a good support cast and last but not least a superstar,spend some money
By ezekiel on Apr 15, 2010