Sorry Baylor, Bear-ly Knew You
March 28, 2010 - 7:20 pm by Ryan PhillipsEvery college sports fan knows about Bevo, UGA, and Ralphie, but have you heard of Joy and Lady?
Neither had we until we came down to Houston this week and started researching Baylor University’s traditions. The school keeps two live black bears on campus (Joy and Lady), which automatically gives them a pair of the most ferocious mascots in the country.
TheBaker and I went to Reliant Stadium for YardBarker’s Journey to the Tourney project - sponsored by Champion - and grilled Baylor fans about the two bears. We also wondered whether former Baylor linebacker Mike Singletary would make a better mascot than a gigantic wild animal.
Did Baylor fans pass our test? You be the Judge.
Well, now that they’re out of the tournament, Baylor fans have plenty of time to get to know Joy and Lady.

2 Responses to “Sorry Baylor, Bear-ly Knew You”
In their defense, the name of the Bear changes whereas UGA is UGA1, UGA2… UGA9, etc. Bevo never changes either.
Is it so crazy that alums wouldn’t know the name of the most recent, but all got the Judge part? I agree that only that one guy sounded confident with his answer, but comparing it to UGA and Bevo isn’t really an equal comparison.
By BearFan on Mar 28, 2010
That champion gear looks good on you Baker
By Dave on Mar 30, 2010