Houston, We Have Landed
March 25, 2010 - 8:55 pm by Ryan PhillipsAs some of you are aware, TheBaker and myself are teaming up with YardBarker and Champion to bring you some on-site coverage from the Houston Regional of the 2010 NCAA Tournament. We will be producing several videos highlighting the fans of the teams in our regional. The videos will be posted on YardBarker, and we’ll post more info as we go.
After getting up before the sun this morning, TheBaker and I headed to the airport at 5:30 a.m. after what amounted to an hour of sleep. Our flight out of Indianapolis took us to Chicago, where a two-hour layover left us with ample time to people watch - one of our favorite pastimes.
We then flew to Houston and thanks to no more than a token 45-minute nap on the plane, we were both sleepwalking when we arrived in our rooms. Again, we got some sleep, then met up with an old college buddy and his girlfriend to watch the opening games of Thursday night’s action.
We posted up at Buffalo Wild Wings for a few hours, watched Butler make us proud, Syracuse leave us disappointed and West Virginia hold serve. A good night. Now two beers, eight wings, several baskets of tortilla chips and a completely screwed bracket later, I’m sitting back in my room pondering how on Earth I can still keep my eyes open.
I’m such a March Madness junkie that while my entire body is screaming “Sleep damn you!” my head is yelling back “No, Cornell has a shot against Kentucky! Must fight sleep. Don’t need body’s permission.”
So yeah, that’s what’s going on between my two ears right now.
Congrats to Butler, shame on Syracuse, blah to West Virginia.
We’re looking forward to getting out and meeting fans from St. Mary’s, Baylor, Purdue and Duke tomorrow. Eh, well, maybe not Purdue and Duke.
We’ll have updates throughout the weekend.
Enjoy the madness!