IU Football Finally Beats Michigan!
October 26, 2009 - 5:22 pm by HickeyThis may be the only time in life I ever use this headline, so take it easy, Wolverine fans.
Anyway, during yesterday’s telecast of the Saints-Dolphins game, Rumors and Rants fan-favorite Dick Stockton brought up a conversation that the announcing crew had with Miami quarterback Chad Henne earlier this week.
Stockton noted that Henne felt he could take advantage of Saints cornerback Tracy Porter because of his familiarity with Porter from their college days when Porter was at Indiana and Henne was at Ohio State. (Again, that’s coming straight from Dick Stockton’s mouth).
That confidence in picking on a former Hoosier didn’t work out so well for Henne, who clearly forget that he was dealing with a former Hoosier. Porter tipped a ball that was intercepted and returned for a touchdown by Darren Sharper to effectively start the Saints rally in the second half, and then finished the game off with a Pick Six of his own late in the fourth quarter.
At that point, Stockton reiterated the point he had made earlier in the game, only this time correctly asserting that Henne had gone to Michigan.
Naturally, Wolverine fans will probably be more insulted by Henne being confused for a Buckeye by Stockton (although since he went 0-4 against them, he may as well have been one, right?). But for once, an IU football player shoved that arrogance back down a Michigan throat.
Now, I will patiently wait for another 25-30 years for the repeat episode.
Photo of Tracy Porter schooling former Wolverine Jake Long for a touchdown courtesy of New Orleans Times Picayune.

2 Responses to “IU Football Finally Beats Michigan!”
Man, Dick Stockton in HD is a very frightening thing to look at. Tony Kornheiser is the scariest man on TV, but Dick is gaining.
By LR. on Oct 26, 2009
Oh Dick.
By Cousin Charlie on Oct 26, 2009