There Is Nothing Not Funny About This Story
May 8, 2009 - 1:28 am by Ryan PhillipsNote from the writer: I’m going to trying and type out this post between wheezes of laughter.
So let me get this straight: Manny Ramirez - who ESPN basically dubbed the greatest hitter ever, ever, in its preseason coverage - has been suspended 50 games by Major League Baseball after testing positive for performance-enhancing drugs. Ramirez claims that he wasn’t juicing, he was prescribed medication by a doctor to deal with erectile dysfunction (Tee-hee). So, what, exactly sucks about this story?
I mean seriously, this is fantastic. Let me go through the different elements of this sordid tale that make it so wonderful I’m going to venture to call it the greatest sports comedy story of all-time.
1. Ramirez is a Dodger
Any time anything horrible happens to the Los Angeles Dodgers I laugh.
2. The Dodgers are the best team in baseball right now
Ramirez has been the linchpin in LA’s 21-9 start, including its modern record of 13 straight home wins to start a season. So that record is now completely tainted.
3. Manny’s explanation
In short he basically said, “No, no I wasn’t using drugs because I was trying to get better at baseball. I just couldn’t get my dick hard.” It’s officially the first time someone has used the “My cock wasn’t working” defense in sports history.
4. The drug
Ramirez tested positive for human chorionic gonadotropin or hCG, which is a female fertility drug.
5. One guy’s explanation of the drug
HCG is used to help produce testosterone. One of the major reasons it is prescribed is to help stimulate testicles that have stopped working due to steroid use. Oops. Charles Yesalis, a professor from Penn State University, said that if someone was actually just having erectile dysfunction problems, most doctors would have prescribed Viagra or Cialis. So all signs point to Manny having previously used steroids. So much so that his balls stopped functioning properly.
6. Boston can suck it
Ever since finally taking a title in 2004 Boston fans have become so incredibly annoying that the entire sports universe has turned against them. Led by Bill Simmons’ 10,000 word blowjobs to all things Boston, SAWKS fans represent everything wrong with fandom right now. From the success of the Patriots to the Celtics’ title last summer we’ve all had enough out of the Massholes. Now your titles in 2004 and 2007 are completely tainted. Ha-ha.
7. ESPN backtracking
Before the season ESPN ran constant stories about Manny being in LA, how he finally felt at home and how he was the greatest right-handed hitter of all-time. Last night they backtracked big time. Everyone is jumping off the Manny ship, Steve Phillips even said there’s likely no way he makes the Hall of Fame anymore.
8. Bill Simmons’ reaction
I used to be a big Simmons fan. Right up until about, hmmm 2004-ish. His bitter fan of a terrible team thing worked. Since then he’s been nothing short of an annoying blowhard who constantly tells us how the fans of his teams are superior to yours. Needless to say, I thoroughly enjoyed this column.
I could keep listing all day. Seriously, I haven’t enjoyed a sports story this much in ages. So I’m just going to sit back and continue to revel in the story of Manny’s Faulty Balls (not to be confused with these).

6 Responses to “There Is Nothing Not Funny About This Story”
Just wanted to add one note of defense for Boston sports fans. They have definitely been way too successful in the last 10 years, but people forget how miserable they were in the 15 years before that. The Pats were a joke that had never done anything. The Red Sox hadn’t won since before our grandparents were born. The Bruins were so bad that the city had a parade for Ray Bourque when he won a title with the Avalanche. And even the proud Celtics had two players die and became pretty mediocre.
I agree with everything else, and the Boston sports fans have become insufferable. But they did go through so much shit that they had parades for other teams’ championships. Again though, they still suck ass.
By Pablo on May 8, 2009
Love the shots of ESPN!!! This morning, non athlete ever in his life, Mike Greenberg proclaimed him the greatest right handed hitter of all time. What a joke…….You know it’s bad when player shill and BJ giver Peter Gammons throws him under the bus. Yesterday morning on ESPN radio, he was a Manny apologist. In the afternoon, he was ripping him to shreds. Phillips, you are now my sports writing hero.
By LR. Roberts on May 8, 2009
I totally didn’t laugh my ass off at this either.
But, that Simmons post was a bit…I dunno. Retarded is the only word that comes to mind.
By Red on May 8, 2009
I will also be an insufferable jackass after San Diego teams rack up 6 championships in the next 10 years.
The Sockers are still around, right?
By Dr. JwB on May 9, 2009
Huh huh, you said “gonadotropin”.
By Cousin Charlie on May 11, 2009