Memo to Paxson: Do Something Worthwhile and Get Amare
February 6, 2009 - 12:20 am by TheRiotEver since the Suns (stupidly) went out and got Shaquille O’Neal there’s been these rumblings — sometimes subtle and sometimes not so — that Amare Stoudemire isn’t happy.
And who can blame the guy?
They were winning boat loads of games under Mike D’Antoni and Stoudemire was one of the most dynamic big men in the league paired wih Steve Nash.
Then general manager Steve Kerr gets the brilliant idea to bring in a not-so-mobile, aging Shaq with the idea that the Suns needed to do something other than run-and-gun. Oh yes, they need a slow, plodding presence in the middle to compete with the Spurs and Lakers. Right.
It hasn’t worked out so well, as you may have heard, and Stoudemire has gotten lost in first-year coach Terry Porter’s slower, more methodical offense.
Now those rumblings have come back: It appears the Suns front office is now more willing to trade Stoudemire because he’s probably their most valuable piece, “appreciation for him locally is declining,” whatever that means, and the Suns are flat struggling.
This is where our Chicago Bulls come in (as the article so astutely points out).
See, one of the many problems with the very mediocre Bulls is their frontcourt is pretty much terrible. We’re talking guys like Joakim Noah (blah!), an inconsistent Tyrus Thomas, a slow and unathletic Aaron Gray and Cedric Simmons (enough said).
And there’s also Drew Gooden, he of an expiring contract, which the Suns will surely want. Throw a draft pick and some other young talent in a package and the Bulls could be a very real trade partner.
How about pairing Stoudemire with Derrick Rose, eh Pax? With Ben Gordon and Luol Deng on the wings? And perhaps keep Joakim Noah as a defensive presence? I like the sounds of it.
That sounds like the kind of trade that can save a general manager his job.

3 Responses to “Memo to Paxson: Do Something Worthwhile and Get Amare”
Oh yes, please…I think OStoud was a little overrated due to the Suns system and Nast but he’d still be SO nice with the Bulls if he can stay healthy. We have definite bait in Thomas, Heinrich, Noicioni, and Gooden. Noah, Stoud, Deng, Gordon, and Rose…with a real coach. I’d watch’em play/…Bet he goes to NY though to play with D’Antoni and King James
By Chi2HaVI on Feb 6, 2009
I love Ty and think he’s still got a ton of potential, but if we could get Amare I’d do it in a heartbeat.
By The Bo on Feb 6, 2009
Every time I read these rumors I always think it is too good to be true, as in, there must be something wrong with Stoudemire. Think about it, the other players with value on the Suns are Shaq, Nash, and Grant Hill. All are overpaid, and waaaaaaaaay on the wrong side of 30. Yet, the Suns want to move Amare and keep the rest? Doesn’t add up.
By whitemale_98 on Feb 6, 2009