Fight Night in the NHL: Georges Laraque vs. Josh Gratton
November 18, 2008 - 12:29 pm by TheRiotWe’ve come to learn around here that there’s a lot more to like about hockey than just the fighting. But then again, when it really comes down to it, there’s something pretty badass about two guys dropping the gloves and duking it out.
So we bring you this video, which is a few days old. The players in question are Georges Laraque of the Montreal Canadiens and Josh Gratton of the Philadelphia Flyers. Both are known as basically fighters first and hockey players second.
In fact, Sports Illustrated called Laraque the NHL’s top enforcer in earlier this year according to the always trustworthy Wikipedia.
Both players have a personal Web site, but we’d like to note that Gratton’s especially plays up his fighting. We absolutely approve of this. For more of Gratton’s fight clips, just go here.
As for this fight, well, Gratton pretty well gets his ass handed to him. Good stuff.