How Similar Is The NFL Lockout To The Wisconsin Teachers’ Union Fight?

Wednesday, March 30th, 2011

The fight between public-sector unions and the governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker, has garnered a megaton of headlines in recent weeks as has the NFL lockout. It seems union conflicts have seeped into several parts of the American psyche which they didn't previously occupy, such as outright hatred and misunderstanding. ...

Fan Sues The NFL, Misses The Point

Saturday, March 26th, 2011

Ken Lanci, a millionaire businessman from Ohio, has sued the NFL for breaching its contract with him by locking out the players and preventing him from purchasing season tickets through his Personal Seat License. "It's a fight between billionaires and millionaires. There isn't any sympathy for multi-millionaires. It's just not going ...

A Ray Of Hope In NFL Labor Negotiations

Friday, March 4th, 2011

It appears that for the first time in months, we may actually have movement on an NFL labor agreement. While the decision to extend the current collective bargaining agreement by 24 hours isn't the godsend that some have touted it as, there has been some movement in the negotiations. What happened ...

NFL Owners Extend Deadline For Lockout, Sign Players En Masse

Thursday, March 3rd, 2011

The NFL's owners and players' union came to an agreement to extend the current collective bargaining agreement for 24 hours on Thursday. The implication is that the two sides will use the next 24 hours to continue labor negotiations with a view towards coming to an agreement. But frankly, I ...

To Roger Goodell: An 18-Game NFL Season Is A Terrible Idea

Tuesday, June 29th, 2010

It was recently announced that a cavalry flag carried by Custer's troops at Little Big Horn will be auctioned in October. Also in October, the NFL season will be almost half over, and we will be heading for not only the Super Bowl, but also the increasing ...