Archive for the ‘Brett Favre’ Category

Pro Bowl Selction Process Needs To Be Punted

Friday, December 19th, 2008

Many bloggers I respect have weighed in on how this year's Pro Bowl rosters have some glaring omissions. First on the "where are they?" list is San Diego quarterback Philip Rivers. Despite leading the NFL in passer rating (101.4), touchdowns (28), touchdown percentage (6.6), yards per completion (8.23) and only ...

Rodgers and Favre: The Early Returns Are Quite Good

Tuesday, September 9th, 2008

Here's a thought that hasn't gotten a whole lot of traction in the whole Brett Favre-Packers-Aaron Rodgers fiasco: Maybe the situation will work out well for both teams. Huh. Seems kind of nice. Both quarterbacks acquitted themselves well in their regular season debuts. Favre led the Jets to a win and ...

Long Live The Curse

Tuesday, August 12th, 2008

Madden '09 hit store shelves today, and the best part is we don't even have to wait for the season to begin for the annual Madden Curse to come into effect. In a beautiful twist of irony, this year it is the game itself that's cursed rather than the player ...

NEWSFLASH: Favre Runs Lap

Monday, August 11th, 2008

These are the reasons I tune into ESPN. That and the new, live version of Sporscenter debuting this morning. As the Brett Favre-to-the-Packers-wait-no-to-the-Jets saga drags on and on, we find out that Brett is fitting in nicely with his new team. As poor Wendi Nix (seriously, does she not have anything ...

Ari Fleishcer to the Rescue!

Monday, August 4th, 2008

As has been extolled in the blogosphere, on ESPN and pretty much everywhere, the Brett Favre saga is dragging on endlessly. I'm not even going to bother linking to any old posts. You know the damn story. We found out Sunday that NFL commish Roger Goodell officially reinstated Mr. Wisconsin and ...

The National Drama Continues: Brett Speaks

Tuesday, July 15th, 2008

On a regular sports news day, I would totally avoid this story, for reasons I've already explained in this Internet space. But, alas, we're on the All-Star break and there's not much to talk about.I even considered posting about NASCAR. Yes, NASCAR.Anywho, Brett Favre came out and told his side ...

Brett: Please Stop for Your Own Good

Wednesday, July 9th, 2008

I've systematically avoided posting about this because, among other reasons, Brett Favre is near and dear to my heart.Note: I know this won't sit well with others on this blog, but I'm an incredibly loyal Packers fan. I do, in fact, own a cheesehead. I was admittedly torn when he ...

Chris Berman Gets One More Chance to Openly Love Brett Favre

Thursday, April 17th, 2008

This just in from northlands of Wisconsin: The Packers will retire Brett Favre's No. 4 jersey at a ceremony during the 2008 season opener in Green Bay. This game against the Vikings is, coincidentally or not, a Monday Night Football game to be broadcast on ESPN.Did you just hear Chris ...

Dewey Defeats Truman Moment of the Week

Friday, April 4th, 2008

Maybe you caught the story in the L.A. Times yesterday: BRETT FAVRE CONSIDERS COMEBACK!The story, penned by Sam Farmer, cites an anonymous NFL source who claimed that Favre's agent was talking to other teams about possibly playing for them. Oh really. I'm sure that a reporter for the L.A. Times, ...

Goodbye, Archnemesis

Tuesday, March 4th, 2008

From deep down in my stomach, with every inch of me, I pure, straight hate you. But goddammit, do I respect you! -- Wes MantoothEver since I was in fifth grade, I could count on Brett Favre finding some way to torture me. Such is the life of a ...