Archive for the ‘Indiana Hoosiers’ Category

Indiana Football Lays Out The Welcome Mat For Opposing Fans

Wednesday, August 5th, 2009

Sometimes you just know you suck. Like when Ben Affleck watches his movies, he knows it’s shit. Right? I mean, you’d have to. Well, as an Indiana University graduate I know my alma mater’s football team blows. Everyone knows. CBS Sports’ Dennis Dodd ranked IU No. 97 among the 120 Division I ...

You Have Two Choices: Superman Or The Crap On Superman’s Boot

Thursday, June 18th, 2009

As an Indiana University graduate and fan, I frequently visit,'s IU affiliate. The site goes hand-in-hand with Inside Indiana, a magazine devoted to Hoosier sports. While Rivals' sites serve a purpose for providing all sorts of recruiting information and daily content on your favorite university, I've learned over the ...